
SkyPots are surprisingly easy to unpot
Un-potting and Re-potting
To unpot, unscrew the eye nut and remove bottom flange. Pull rod away from plant. Most of the time the plant’s entire root ball and bottom flange will come with it, especially when the soil is dry.
If it doesn’t, slide a hand trowel or knife around the edge of the pot to loosen the soil. Then use the trowel as a scoop to remove the plant’s root ball.
Rinse all parts before reassembling kit around a new pot.

Checking your SkyPots
Occasionally check that the safety hole is visible. This indicates that the eye nut is safely installed. Turn eye nut to make sure that the kit is still snug. If your kit needs adjustment, loosen eye nut one-half turn, slide flanges and reposition rod as needed. Re-tighten.
As plants grow, it may become necessary to add a chain segment above or below a pot. You may also want to switch to a larger pot with a longer rod. Follow repotting instructions above.
Metal parts are stainless, but they may still develop some small surface rust. Clean off rust with a fine sandpaper and clean with a non-toxic stainless steel polish.