How to Water

Outdoor watering is easy
Watering Outdoors
For outdoor arrangements, water in place making sure water flows out the bottom of each SkyPot.
If you are concerned about water run-off, take each SkyPot down to water over a basin such as a sink. Rehang with the Catch JR attached to catch the last drips after watering.

The easiest method for watering outdoors is using a garden hose.

Watering Indoors
Watering is essential for your plants but can get a bit splashy if draining water runs off leaves on way to lower pots.
To avoid spills indoors, disconnect your SkyPots and bring to your sink. Water soil thoroughly until water drains out the lower flange of the pot. A good flush of water will evenly moisten the soil and refresh roots.
Set pots on mugs (or leave in sink) to let most of the excess water run off.
Then hook on the Catch JR to the bottom pot when rehanging to collect the last drips.

Tip: You can also set your SkyPots down on a large mug or bowl to collect the excess drainage.