How to Assemble Kits

Assemble kits before adding soil and plants.
After choosing your pot, make sure that the pot is clean and clear of all soil.
If your pot already has a plant in it, you'll first need to unpot the plant, clean the pot of all soil and then assemble the kit before adding the plant again.
Each SkyPots hanger kit consists of:
- 1 ROD

Assemble the kit .
1. Turn the WING NUT about 1½” – 2” down the rod.
2. Place the 1ST FLANGE on top of wing nut with the o-ring facing up.
3. Put the ROD through the pot's drain hole from the inside and rest it on the 1ST FLANGE leaving about 1” of ROD.
4. Place 2ND FLANGE, o-ring side down, on the outside of the pot.
5. Screw the EYE NUT onto the ROD until it loosely contacts the 2ND FLANGE.

Check the safety hole .
The SAFETY HOLE at the bottom of the ROD should be visible inside the loop of the EYE NUT.
This assures that the EYE NUT is fully screwed on and will not spin off.
If not visible, move the kit by turning the WING NUT further up the ROD until the safety hole is visible.

Center and tighten the kit.
6. Slide and center the kit inside the pot before tightening.
Once centered, tighten the EYE NUT firmly by hand. Do not use tools.
The pot should not wiggle when you hold and shake the ROD.
If the kit looks crooked or uncentered, loosen the EYE NUT to make adjustments and then re-tighten.