It's okay, SkyPots are a new way to garden
Got a question? We're here to help!
Contact us if you any questions about SkyPots.

1. Some of my SkyPots hang crooked. How do I make them straight?
- Your plants may be heavy on one side.
- Your kits may be loose. This will cause the pot to lean.
- Your kits may not be centered in the pot.
- Your pots may have uneven bottoms or rims.

2. How many SkyPots can I hang and connect safely?
- The safe working load limit for the eye nuts and rods is 520lb. That’s about fifty-two 8” pots with wet soil.
- Make sure to install hooks and chains that can support the full weight of your vertical garden.

3. My eye nut screws in too far and doesn’t allow space to hook in the next pot. What should I do?
- The wing nut is probably turned too deep in pot. First try turning the rod counterclockwise to see if the wing nut can be un-threaded in place.
- If it can, re-tighten the eye nut just above the safety hole.
- If it can’t, you’ll need to fully remove plant to make adjustment.

4. My pot doesn’t have a drain hole or the drain hole is not centered. Can I still use it?
- Consider using a masonry drill bit to make a new drain hole or expand the existing drain hole.
- Use a 1/2” to 3/4” masonry bit and keep it wet when drilling.